Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 23 update

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain: 15lbs

Maternity clothes: Still wearing a lot of maxi skirts & dresses and the belly band comes in handy when I wear my pre-pregnancy jeans & shorts. I was so excited when I found the shorts I'm wearing in the pic below at Forever 21 (one of my favorite stores) that are non-maternity, two sizes up & I can button them.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: Waking up 1 or 2 times in the night to use the restroom and its getting harder to fall back asleep. Also its getting hard to fall asleep when I first get into bed because I'm so uncomfortable. I bought a body pillow but it makes me too hot. On a positive note, I haven't been waking up with shoulder pain since my massage last week

Miss anything? I just miss being comfortable. I feel full almost all the time, even when I haven't eaten. It sometimes feels hard to breathe. Is it weird to say I miss feeling thin? Because I feel huge.

Exercise: I go to the gym for a step/weight class once a week, do my pregnancy workout DVD a few times a week, and we take Lily on walks a few days a week. I've been pretty good at sticking to doing something active five days a week.

Movement: The kicks are becoming stronger and more often. Andrew can tell that they're stronger too and you can really see him kick from the outside. I've been feeling him higher up too.

Food cravings: Pizza and grapes. I was really craving pizza one night at 10:30 and told Andrew how bad I wanted pizza. I was surprised when he offered to go get me one but I kept telling myself it was too late so I just went to bed. I was sure to get pizza for lunch the next day though!

Anything make you queasy/sick? Car sickness

Have you started to show yet: Yes and like I said, I feel huge. Strangers are making comments and my accounts at work are all noticing that I have a belly now.

Gender: Boy!

Belly button in or out: In, but its starting to get more shallow.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: Headaches have been every other day which is better than last week. I feel full and uncomfortable and I have a faint line down my belly aka the linea nigra.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to: I think we're going to register for the baby this weekend. Some of my girlfriends that have kids that have given me their recommendations that have helped a lot.


  1. LOVE your shorts! I love seeing your little bump! you look great! everyone at landon's birthday kept telling me how great you looked! my mom said you looked skinny!

  2. Haha thank you. I'm feeling better today, trying to eat lots of really small meals so I don't feel so full
