Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cabo vacation

This was our third time to Cabo San Lucas with my family, but this year my brother Nolan couldn't make it. My parents have a timeshare at Club Cascadas which is where we stay. The weather was perfect (about 90 everyday) and we spent our time relaxing on the beach, going into town, and of course eating.  I love Cabo, its so relaxing and just a two hour flight away. Here are some photos from our trip!
The view from my parents timeshare
Mango (virgin) margaritas on the beach. They're the best!
With Andrew at Baja Brewing Co. I love the view from their rooftop bar
With Andrew and my parents at Baja Brewing Co.
Some of my favorite meals (clockwise)- chorizo & eggs for breakfast everyday, lobster at La Golondrina (we always go there, we love the atmosphere), lobster at Edith's that also has a great ocean view, and bean & cheese burrito & beef tamale from Lupe (a vendor that makes them at home and sells them on the beach they are delicious!) 
An ocean shot while walking on the beach
A bowl I painted on the beach. A vendor has a booth to paint all kinds of pottery and bowls
Our last day in Cabo


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 20 update

How far along: 20 weeks. I can't believe I'm halfway through this pregnancy!
Total weight gain: 9lbs 

Maternity clothes: I found some cute maternity tanks from Old Navy, a place I have never shopped before but I have to say I was impressed. I know my pre-pregnancy clothes won't fit much longer so I am always looking for maternity clothes that I think are cute and reasonably priced.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: Waking up 1 or 2 times in the night to use the restroom and waking up with a sore shoulder from sleeping on my side, but I'm sleeping pretty well.

Miss anything? I still miss spicy tuna. I also miss sleeping through the night and sleeping on my stomach.

Exercise: I went to the gym for a step/weight class but since we were in Cabo for most of the week my exercise was limited to walking... and we walked a lot. Andrew and I walked along the beach almost every day and we walked to and from dinner a few nights too. (I'll do a post on our trip to Cabo soon!)

Movement: Yes! He is getting more & more active. I love feeling him everyday, its almost calming. Sometimes I can't tell if he is kicking or has the hiccups. He stops moving whenever anyone tries to feel him kick, but my mom was able to feel him kick while we were on vacation.
Food cravings: Chocolate. I've been craving Twix but apparently Cabo doesn't carry them. We just got back tonight, I'm sure I'll be getting my Twix fix soon.

Anything make you queasy/sick? Nothing really thank goodness, just a little car sickness.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute.

Gender: Boy!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: I've been getting full easier and when I get really full my stomach gets tight all over which is super uncomfortable. Besides that and headaches, I have been feeling great!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Starting to shop for and decorate the nursery. June is a busy month for us between graduation and birthday parties and I'm excited for that.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 19 update

How far along: 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs

Maternity clothes: I haven't bought any other maternity clothes. I've been wearing my Target tanks, pre-pregnancy dresses & maxi skirts. That's pretty much my uniform right now because they're all so comfortable.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well. There were a few nights when I woke up to use the bathroom and I couldn't fall back asleep for about two hours. I just lay there tossing & turning, staring at the clock.

Miss anything? I still miss spicy tuna. I also miss sleeping through the night, but I guess its prepping me for when baby gets here.

Exercise: I'm still doing my pregnancy fitness DVDs, walking, and going to the gym to do cardio. I'm trying to do something active five days a week. I'm starting to get out of breath easier.
Movement: Yes! This was a very exciting week. The tapping from last week turned into kicking, and even more exciting- today while Andrew and I were floating on rafts in the pool, he got to feel the baby kick and he could even see it! He thought it was pretty neat.
Food cravings: Cherries and sweets. Ice cream, cookies... anything. I have a huge sweet tooth anyways, but this week it has been bad!  (I try to limit myself to one sweet a day.) We went up to LA yesterday to see my friend's new baby and went to one of my favorite places Diddy Riese for an ice cream cookie sandwich. Craving satisfied, they're SO good!
Anything make you queasy/sick? Still getting carsick easily, and hospital cafeterias still smell horrible. I swear the people I meet with for work can sense this because twice last week my meetings started in their lunch room while other people were eating. The smell of certain foods still makes me queasy.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute.

Gender: Boy!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: Besides headaches, I have been feeling great!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Going to Cabo at the end of the week!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Unofficial Mother's Day

I hope all the moms reading this had a great Mother's Day! I had my first unofficial Mother's Day and it was great!
Andrew and I went to breakfast, the local farmer's market, and then to my parents for lunch. I wasn't expecting to be celebrated myself, but Andrew and my parents surprised me on that! I was just hoping for a card from Andrew (I am a mommy to be after all), but he completely surprised me with a cute card and this Gucci diaper bag!! I have loved and wanted this bag ever since I first saw it years ago. He certainly spoiled me this year and said not to get used to these kinds of gifts for future mothers days, hehe.
My parents got me a sweet card and a Target gift card that will come in really handy! Thank you again!
Here is a photo of me and my mom!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 18 update

How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs

Maternity clothes: Still loving the Target tank tops, and I finally found a white one. I must've gone to at least 7 stores trying to find my size. It has been hot so I have been wearing a lot of dresses.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well. I haven't been as tired so I haven't needed to nap.

Miss anything? I really miss spicy tuna. I've found that if I get a crunchy roll (cooked shrimp tempura) and put a lot of Sriracha (my favorite Asian hot sauce) it almost tastes like spicy tuna... not quite but close enough for now. I also miss taking my kickboxing class.
Exercise: I'm still doing my pregnancy fitness DVDs, walking, and I went to the gym to do some cardio. I'm trying to do something active five days a week. I'm starting to get out of breath easier.

Movement: Yes! I felt tapping one day last week that I've never felt before, so I paid attention to it and it continued to happen every day since especially after I eat, while sitting, and laying down. The tapping has gotten a little stronger & more noticeable but can't be felt from the outside yet, even though Andrew tries to feel for it everyday. Its such a cool feeling I can't wait for him to feel it!

Food cravings: Still craving spicy food and my craving for fruit is back, but that might be because its been hot out and I always eat a ton of fruit in the summer. I made the huge mistake of eating a spicy chicken sandwich then immediately laying down which gave me the worst heartburn of my life. Even pickle juice (my go-to cure) didn't help, it was awful.

Anything make you queasy/sick? Still getting carsick easily, and hospital cafeterias still smell horrible. Andrew grilled chicken the other night and the smell was enough to make me feel nauseous. I guess I can only eat chicken if its not cooked in front of me or in a sandwich or burrito.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. I had my first stranger comment on my growing belly over the weekend. We got ice cream and I got one scoop there and took one scoop home, the worker at Baskin Robbins said "that one is for the baby." That's when I knew I must be showing, not just to people who know me.

Gender: Boy!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: Feeling great!  I've been getting more headaches than normal but other than that I'm doing pretty good. For the past two weeks or so I've been dry heaving/gagging almost every morning. I don't feel nauseous which is why its so weird. I googled it and I guess its common for pregnant girls to have excess phlegm causing them to gag. Has anyone had this? Also I've been really forgetful & ditzy, I have to write to-do lists for everything. I guess that's what people call pregnancy brain.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: We are going to Cabo with my parents next week and I'm really looking forward to that!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Attn: all moms

Since it is the week of Mothers Day I thought it would be a good time to ask for any tips or advice for pregnancy or for when baby gets here. If you have any favorite books, recommended products, remedies for heartburn, prevention of stretch marks, etc please share! I'd love to hear them.
Right now I'm reading What to Expect When Expecting and just bought Baby Wise and Happiest Baby on the Block. If there are any other must reads let me know, thanks!

I hope all you moms have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week 17 update

How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 5lbs

Maternity clothes: I bought a few more tank tops from Target, I'm sure I'll be buying every color since they're so comfortable. One of my girlfriends gave me a belly band (a stretchy band that goes over the waist of pants so you can wear pants unbuttoned & they won't fall down.) Thank you Melissa! I'm wearing it in the pic below with my pre-pregnancy jeans.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: Slept like a baby this week. I got 10+ hours of sleep each night this past weekend and it was awesome.

Miss anything? I really miss spicy tuna. I also miss taking my kickboxing class. I watched the class from the treadmill at the gym and it made me sad, I loved that class.

Exercise: I'm still doing my pregnancy fitness DVDs, walking, and I went to the gym to do some cardio. I'm trying to do something active five days a week.
Movement: I don't think so. I've felt something like a tickle a few times but it hasn't been consistent. Maybe this week? 

Food cravings: My craving for spicy food is back, especially Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich. I tell myself its ok since I only eat about 1/2... and it is protein! I've been craving root beer too but limit it and only drink the caffeine free kind.
Anything make you queasy/sick? Still getting carsick easily, and hospital cafeterias still smell horrible.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the in between stage of looking pregnant and chubby, but Andrew says I look pregnant.

Gender: We found out last week we're having a boy!!
Here are some things we bought for our lil guy!


Belly button in or out: In... and its growing deeper and wider by the minute. Not very cute in some tops.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: Smooth sailing this week! Hardly any lower back pain, and just a little round ligament pain mainly when I sneeze.  I developed a toothache last week, but I have a dentist appt tomorrow so I'm hoping its not a cavity. My acne is FINALLY clearing up which makes me extremely happy! Minus the bump, I feel like my old self and I'm enjoying it while I can as I know this will change over the next few months.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Huge difference from last week.
Looking forward to: Hopefully feeling some flutters soon, and think about nursery ideas, names, etc!