Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 20 update

How far along: 20 weeks. I can't believe I'm halfway through this pregnancy!
Total weight gain: 9lbs 

Maternity clothes: I found some cute maternity tanks from Old Navy, a place I have never shopped before but I have to say I was impressed. I know my pre-pregnancy clothes won't fit much longer so I am always looking for maternity clothes that I think are cute and reasonably priced.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: Waking up 1 or 2 times in the night to use the restroom and waking up with a sore shoulder from sleeping on my side, but I'm sleeping pretty well.

Miss anything? I still miss spicy tuna. I also miss sleeping through the night and sleeping on my stomach.

Exercise: I went to the gym for a step/weight class but since we were in Cabo for most of the week my exercise was limited to walking... and we walked a lot. Andrew and I walked along the beach almost every day and we walked to and from dinner a few nights too. (I'll do a post on our trip to Cabo soon!)

Movement: Yes! He is getting more & more active. I love feeling him everyday, its almost calming. Sometimes I can't tell if he is kicking or has the hiccups. He stops moving whenever anyone tries to feel him kick, but my mom was able to feel him kick while we were on vacation.
Food cravings: Chocolate. I've been craving Twix but apparently Cabo doesn't carry them. We just got back tonight, I'm sure I'll be getting my Twix fix soon.

Anything make you queasy/sick? Nothing really thank goodness, just a little car sickness.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, and I feel like I'm getting bigger by the minute.

Gender: Boy!

Belly button in or out: In.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: I've been getting full easier and when I get really full my stomach gets tight all over which is super uncomfortable. Besides that and headaches, I have been feeling great!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Starting to shop for and decorate the nursery. June is a busy month for us between graduation and birthday parties and I'm excited for that.


  1. Feeling the baby kick twice was exciting and seeing your belly lopsided occasionally was funny...brought back memories.

  2. i use to put the remote control on my belly...you could see even the subtle movements! hiccups..all the time..especially at night.. Its such an exciting time!!! yes, feeling him move relaxed me too!!! so glad to hear things are continuing to go smoothly!!
