Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week 17 update

How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 5lbs

Maternity clothes: I bought a few more tank tops from Target, I'm sure I'll be buying every color since they're so comfortable. One of my girlfriends gave me a belly band (a stretchy band that goes over the waist of pants so you can wear pants unbuttoned & they won't fall down.) Thank you Melissa! I'm wearing it in the pic below with my pre-pregnancy jeans.

Stretch marks: No, and hoping it stays that way. I'm alternating between using Palmer's cocoa butter, Mustela, and bio oil twice a day.

Sleep: Slept like a baby this week. I got 10+ hours of sleep each night this past weekend and it was awesome.

Miss anything? I really miss spicy tuna. I also miss taking my kickboxing class. I watched the class from the treadmill at the gym and it made me sad, I loved that class.

Exercise: I'm still doing my pregnancy fitness DVDs, walking, and I went to the gym to do some cardio. I'm trying to do something active five days a week.
Movement: I don't think so. I've felt something like a tickle a few times but it hasn't been consistent. Maybe this week? 

Food cravings: My craving for spicy food is back, especially Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich. I tell myself its ok since I only eat about 1/2... and it is protein! I've been craving root beer too but limit it and only drink the caffeine free kind.
Anything make you queasy/sick? Still getting carsick easily, and hospital cafeterias still smell horrible.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the in between stage of looking pregnant and chubby, but Andrew says I look pregnant.

Gender: We found out last week we're having a boy!!
Here are some things we bought for our lil guy!


Belly button in or out: In... and its growing deeper and wider by the minute. Not very cute in some tops.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Symptoms: Smooth sailing this week! Hardly any lower back pain, and just a little round ligament pain mainly when I sneeze.  I developed a toothache last week, but I have a dentist appt tomorrow so I'm hoping its not a cavity. My acne is FINALLY clearing up which makes me extremely happy! Minus the bump, I feel like my old self and I'm enjoying it while I can as I know this will change over the next few months.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Huge difference from last week.
Looking forward to: Hopefully feeling some flutters soon, and think about nursery ideas, names, etc!


  1. He's 5 inches long! wow! Enjoy this trimester. You look very cute. I absolutely love this blog of yours!

  2. awe you look great! he's gonna be such a stud!

  3. target tank tops rule... yes, i sometimes still wear them... can't wait to hear about the was such fun! you are looking good!!! Working out was hard for me..but i stuck with it..and it soo paid off!

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking we will need custom crib bedding, I can't find what I'm looking for. Do you know of anyone on Etsy or something? I've just started looking into custom.
