Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 13 Update

How far along?  13 weeks
Total weight gain:  2.5lbs as of last week

Maternity clothes:  Not yet. My jeans still fit but I've been wearing a lot of maxi dresses. I wear scrubs everyday for work and luckily those have an elastic waistband.

Stretch marks:  No, and hoping it stays that way. I put Palmer's cocoa butter on twice a day.

Sleep:  Waking up at least two times in the night to go to the bathroom but overall sleeping pretty well. I try to fall asleep on my left side, but usually wake up on my stomach.

Miss anything?  Sushi. The raw kind. I love yellowtail sashimi and obviously can't have that for a while.

Exercise:  My mom got me a pregnancy fitness DVD set that I love! They incorporate 3-5lb weights and cardio based on trimester. She has some great stuff on her site too http://www.lindsaybrin.com/  I've also been walking 1-1.5 miles with Andrew and our dog Lily about five times a week.

Movement:  None yet, but waiting for those flutters everyone talks about!

Food cravings:  Bean & cheese burritos, smoothies, fruit, and this week I've been obsessed with carrots & chips with ranch dip.

Anything make you queasy/sick?  Meat, the smell of meat, and the smell of hospital cafeterias. Andrew barbecued chicken the other night (which I've been able to eat) and I couldn't smell or eat it, but I ate a chicken taco today no problem. Go figure.

Have you started to show yet:  Some days yes, some days no. I think I just look like I've eaten too many donuts.

Gender:  Thinking girl, but a few weeks ago I had two dreams that it was a boy. We find out in a few weeks and I can't wait! I can't wait to start shopping! I added a poll in the left column of the home page so be sure to vote!

Belly button in or out:  In.

Wedding rings on or off:  On.

Symptoms:  Round ligament pain, or what I like to call that sharp pain that feels like a knife and only lasts a few seconds at a time. Still tired, but not as tired as I have been.

Happy or moody most of the time:  Mostly happy but sometimes little things set me off that normally wouldn't.

Looking forward to:  Feeling those flutters, seeing my college girlfriends for lunch this weekend, and getting my hair done tomorrow. (Don't mind the major roots in the pic below)


  1. I can't decide!! Usually I can sense if its a boy or a girl.. but all signs point to a girl but I keep thinking it might be a boy!! lol

  2. I voted; but I don't care what the sex is - I'm going to smother this little gem with kisses either way.
    Vanessa - you look beautiful and in this pic I don't see the little bump.

  3. I call girl! But I'm always wrong about this soooo...I do know I'm going to spoil him or her! Can't wait to see you Sunday!

  4. I'm going for Team Blue!! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! Looking fab-o at 13 weeks!

  5. I think Landon needs a BFF, so I'm joining Yasmin in Team Blue! Love the mock Cosmo! <3 you!
